清華蘭園 Ching Hua Orchids Open House

清華蘭園 Ching Hua Orchids Open House

Venue: Ching Hua Orchids (Tainan, Taiwan)

We are participating in Ching Hua Orchids Open House 2025, March 6th to 9th, to be held on the same weekend along with a joint event of Taiwan International Orchid Show (TIOS) & Asia Pacific Orchid Conference (APOC). Wakayama Orchids will be attending this event as well.

We are taking pre-orders. You can have a look at our regular catalog and lists available here. => Our catalog and lists. A special list will be posted when ready. You don’t find what you want? Just ask us. There are a lot of products we haven’t included on the list.

Click Here for the special price list that includes some of new items that haven’t been listed on the annual/seasonal lists. Please have a look.

For quarantine reasons, there are some products that we cannot ship to Taiwan. Please ask for a quote.